
Move Well, Live Well

They say that life begins at 40, but only if your joints cooperate. Hip problems can make simple activities nearly impossible. Walking, gardening, traveling and other activities get harder each year. Just getting up a flight of stairs can be a study in pain. That’s why hip procedures have literally changed the lives of millions of people worldwide. Our surgeons match your treatment to your lifestyle, so you help define a course of action that makes sense for you.

Minimally Invasive Treatment

Treatment often includes education, physical therapy, targeted exercises and other techniques such as anesthetic blocks to help you control pain. A combination of these methods can often be successful. In some cases, hip replacement surgery may be recommended. If so, our surgeons will discuss the latest techniques in hip replacement, including mini-incision hip arthroplasty.

Meet our hip surgeons:

Kenneth A Pettine, M.D.
E. Jeffrey Donner, M.D.
Eric E. Young, M.D.

Hip Topics:

McKee Offers Mini-incision Hip Replacement